Conference Presentations (refereed on the basis of abstract; student
co-author boldened)
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994
DeLecce, T., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V. Welling, L. L. M., & Shackelford, T. K. (2024, July). Ejaculate adjustment in response to sperm competition risk in humans. International Society for Human Ethology Conference, Arcata, CA.
DeLecce, T., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L. L. M., & Shackelford, T. K. (2024, May). Ejaculate adjustment in response to sperm competition risk in humans. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
DeLecce, T., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L. L. M., & Shackelford, T. K. (2024, April). Ejaculate adjustment in response to sperm competition risk in humans. NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Conference, Niagara Falls, New York.
Stabile, V. J., DeLecce, T., Welling, L. M., Stephen, I. D., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T. K. (April, 2024). Biases in facial perceptions of sociosexuality: Effects of subject sex, perceiver sex, and perceiver sociosexuality. NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Conference, Niagara Falls, New York.
DeLecce, T., Shackelford, T.K., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2023). Investment in romantic partners positively predicts ejaculate quality. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society . Palm Springs, CA.
Stabile, V.J., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2023). Detecting female infidelity: Men's perceptions and women's self-reports. Oakland University Graduate Student Research Conference. Rochester. Michigan.
Stabile, V.J., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2023). Men's detection of their partner's extra-pair copulation: Evidence from a dyadic sample of men and women. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Palm Springs, CA.
Stabile, V.J., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2023). Why do women cheat?: Support for the mate-switching hypothesis of female infidelity. FOSSIL (Flyover State Scientists Integrating EvoLution) Conference. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Vance, G., DeLecce, T., Meehan, M.K., & Shackelford, T.K. (2023). Semen displacement using artificial and non-artificial models. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Palm Springs, CA.
Brazil, K.J., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2022). Men's psychopathic traits, jealousy, and sexual coercion in romantic relationships: Findings from self- and partner-reports. 9th Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Deleece, T., & Shackelford, T.K. (2022). The relationship between ejaculate quality and personality using the MMPI-2. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Meehan, M.K., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2022). Dark personality features and anti-natalist beliefs: The mediating roles of primal world beliefs. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Schepke, R., Shackelford, T.K., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2022). Covid-19 effects on menstrual cycle regularity and sexual motivation. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Shackelford, T.K. (2022). Life history correlates of human ejaculate quality. Invited plenary address: Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Urogenitales/ Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Urogenitales, Tlaxcala, Mexico. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Barbaro, N., Weidmann, R., Burriss, R.P., Wünsche, J., Bühler, J.L., Shackelford, T.K., & Grob, A. (2021). The (bidirectional) association between romantic attachment orientations and mate retention behavior in male-female romantic couples. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Delecce, T., Shackelford, T.K., Zeigler-Hill, V., Fink, B., & Abed, M.G. (2021). Mate retention behavior and ejaculate quality in humans. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Meehan, M.K., Shackelford, T.K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V.A. (2021). An exploratory analysis of filicide-suicide in Chicago, 1965-1995. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Shackelford, T.K., DeLecce, T., Fink, B., & Abed, M., & Meehan, M.K. (2021). No evidence for a relationship between intelligence and ejaculate quality. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2021). Erectile dysfunction and sexual coercion: The role of sperm competition risk. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Weekes-Shackelford, V.A , Meehan, M.K, & Shackelford, T.K. (2021). Do women with children exploit male sexual psychology? Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Wehbe, Y., & Shackelford, T.K. (2021). The development of a cross-cultural conspiracy spreading scale. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
Tratner, A. E., McDonald, M. M., Shackelford, T. K., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2020). A cross-cultural examination of religiosity and sex ratio. Midwestern Psychological Association Convention. Chicago, IL.
Delecce, T., Lopes, G.S., Zeigler-Hill, & Shackelford, T.K. (2019). Disagreeable men produce higher-quality ejaculates. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boston, MA.
Kavieff, J.E., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Sundin, Z., & Shackelford, T.K. (2019). The mystery of low sexual concordance among heterosexual cisgender females. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boston, MA.
Shackelford, T.K., Barbaro, N., Jeffery, A.J., Lopes, G.S., Holub, A.M., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2019). Life history correlates of human ejaculate quality. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boston, MA.
Sundin, Z.W., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Shackelford, T.K., James, R., & Kavieff, J. (2019). The effects of perceived partner orgasm on male self-esteem. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boston, MA.
Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Mogilski, J.K., & Shackelford, T.K. (2019). Using conjoint analysis to assess men's relationship interest in women with and without children. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boston, MA.
Barbaro, N., Boutwell, B. B., & Shackelford, T. K. (2018). On the genetic nature of the association between attachment anxiety and intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Barbaro, N., Shackelford, T.K., Jeffery, A.J., Lopes, G.S., Holub, A.M., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2018). A life history approach to phenotypic correlates of human ejaculate quality. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention. Atlantic, GA.
Tratner, A. E., Sela, Y., Shackelford, T. K., Zeigler-Hill, V. (2018). Do religious people perform more mate retention behaviors? Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Barbaro, N., Boutwell, B. B., Barnes, J. C., & Shackelford, T. K. (2017). Genetic confounding of the relationship between father absence and age at menarche. In J. Gajos (Chair), Symposium: Evolutionary theory and genetic confounding. Annual Conference of the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia, PA.
Barbaro, N., Boutwell, B.B., Barnes, J.C., & Shackelford, T.K. (2017). Genetic confounding of the relationship between father-absence and age at menarche. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boise, ID.
Barbaro, N., Ford, S., Shackelford, T. K., & Zeigler-Hill. (2017). The target of male mate guarding is predicted by the initiator of infidelity. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boise, ID.
Delecce, T., Pham, M.N., & Shackelford, T.K. (2017). Sperm competition in marriage: Semen displacement, male rivals, and spousal discrepancy in sexual interest. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boise, ID.
Randazzo, G.V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2017). Sexual and romantic preferences in written erotica. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Boise, ID.
Sela, Y., Barbaro, N., Lopes, G. S., Shackelford, T. K., Zeigler-Hill, V., & McDonald, M. M. (2017). Satisfied mates provision benefits to loyal romantic partners: Roles of mate value, risk of infidelity, and personality. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Boise, ID.
Shackelford, T.K., Pham, M.N., Jeffery, A.J., Sela, Y., Lynn, J.T., Trevino, S., Willockx, Z., Fink, B., & McDonald, M.M. (2017). Duration of cunnilingus predicts estimated ejaculate volume in humans. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Boise, ID.
Tratner, A.E., Shackelford, T.K., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Vonk, J. (2017). Fear the unseen: Supernatural belief and hyperactive agency-detection in virtual reality. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Boise, ID.
Barbaro, N. & Shackelford, T. K. (2016). Female-directed violence as a form of sexual coercion in humans. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention. San Diego, CA.
Barbaro, N. & Shackelford, T. K. (2016). Female-directed violence as a form of sexual coercion in humans. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Barbaro, N., Shackelford, T. K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V. A. (2016). Mothers and fathers perform more mate retention than individuals without children. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Fink, B., André, S., Mines, J., Weege, B., Shackelford, T.K., & Butovskaya, M. (2016). Sex differences in perceptions of attractiveness of strong and weak male walkers. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Jovanovski, M., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Shackelford, T.K. (2016). Filicides committed by mother's boyfriend. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Jovanovski, M., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Shackelford, T.K., & Osgood, I. (2016). Filicide, criminal record, and stepparents, oh my! Homicide Research Working Group Annual Conference. St. Louis, MO.
Lopes, G.S., Santos, W.S., Shackelford, T.K., Tratner, A. E., Gouveia, V. V. (2016). Perceptions of attractiveness vary with ascribed values. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Randazzo, G.V., Willockx, Z.D., Jovanovski, M.B., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., & Shackelford, T.K. (2016). Mate preference shifts before and after having children. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Roeder, S., Carbon, C.C., Shackelford, T.K., Pisanski, K., Weege, B., & Fink, B. (2016). Men's visual attention to and perceptions of women's dance movements. European Conference on Visual Perception. Barcelona, Spain.
Sela, Y., & Shackelford, T.K. (2016). Personality moderates the relationship between perceived risk of partner’s infidelity and women’s mate retention behaviors. Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. Chicago, IL.
Sela Y., Barbaro, N., Shackelford, T. K., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2016). Perceived risk of infidelity, mate value, and mate retention in women. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Barbaro, N., Pham, M.N., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). The evolved psychology of post-fight respect. Annual Conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Long Beach, CA.
Barbaro, N., Pham, M. N., Shackelford, T. K. (2015). Solving the problem of partner infidelity: Individual mate retention, coalitional mate retention, and in-pair copulation frequency. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Fink, B., Weege, B., Neave, N., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Handgrip strength and personality in men. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Jeffery, A.J., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Addressing the paradox: Reproductive hypotheses for the evolution of human male homosexuality. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Jovanovski, M., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Shackelford, T.K., & Osgood, I. (2015). Does previous criminal record help explain the differential risk of filicide by stepparents? Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Mogilski, J.K., Memering, S.L., Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Polyamory and monoamory: Alternative approaches to pursuing a strategically pluralistic mating strategy. Annual Conference of the NorthEast Evolutionary Psychology Society. Boston, MA.
Pham, M. N., Barbaro, N., & Shackelford, T. K. (2015). Development and initial validation of the Coalitional Mate Retention Inventory. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Long Beach, CA.
Pham, M. N., Shackelford, T. K., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2015). Human sperm competition: A repeated-measures experiment showing evidence of ejaculate adjustment. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Röder, S., Weege, B., Carbon, C.-C., Shackelford, T.K., & Fink, B. (2015). Men’s perception of women’s dance movements depends on mating context, but sociosexual orientation. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Sela, Y., Mogilski, J.K., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Mate retention discrepancy and mate value discrepancy in long-term relationships. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Chair, Division 6 Symposium: Sexual conflict in human sexual psychology and behavior. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Toronto, Canada.
Shackelford, T.K., Pham, M.N., Holden, C.J., Zeigler-Hill, V., Hummel, A., & Memering, S. (2015). Partner attractiveness moderates the relationship between number of sexual rivals and in-pair copulation frequency in humans (Homo sapiens). Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Jovanovski, M., Willockx, Z., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Mate preferences after having children. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Willockx, Z., Vonk, J., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). The effect of secular and religious priming on rule-based moral arguments. Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Columbia, MO.
Barbaro, N., Pham, M.N., & Shackelford, T.K. (2014). The evolved psychology of post-fight respect. In Vonk, J. (Chair). Division 6 Symposium: Comparative evolutionary psychology: The evolution of aggression. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, DC.
Pham, M.N., Goetz, A.T., & Shackelford, T.K. (2014). Sexual coercion in intimate relationships: A comparative psychological investigation. In Vonk, J. (Chair). Division 6 Symposium: Comparative evolutionary psychology: The evolution of aggression. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, DC.
Pham, M. N., Shackelford, T. K., Holden, C. J., Zeigler-Hill, V., Hummel, A., & Memering, S. (2014). Partner attractiveness moderates the relationship between number of sexual rivals and in-pair copulation frequency in humans (Homo sapiens). North Eastern Evolutionary Psychology Society. New Paltz, NY.
Pham, M. N., Shackelford, T. K., Welling, L. L. M., Ehrke, A. D., Sela, Y., & Goetz, A. T. (2014). Oral sex, semen displacement, and sexual arousal: Testing the ejaculate adjustment hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Austin, TX.
Sela, Y., Shackelford, T. K., & Pham, M. N. (2014). Do women perform fellatio as a mate retention behavior? Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Arvanitis, J. N., Pham, M. N., & Shackelford, T. K. (2013). The relationship between risk of sperm competition and male copulatory interest is moderated by the amount of time their partner spends with other men. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Ehrke, A. D., Pham, M. N., & Shackelford, T. K. (2013). Cunnilingus-induced orgasm as a male sperm-retention strategy. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Fitzgerald, C.J., Kruger, D.J., Loeffler, C., Shackelford, T.K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V. (2013). Short-term sex ratio manipulations affect men's self-reported and perceived life history strategies. International Society for Human Ethology Summer Institute on Human Ethology. Ann Arbor, MI.
Fitzgerald, C.J., Kruger, D.J., Loeffler, C., Shackelford, T.K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V. (2013). Short-term sex ratio manipulations affect men's self-reported and perceived life history strategies. North Eastern Evolutionary Psychology Society. Annville, PA.
McCoy, M.G., Shackelford, T.K., Welling, L.L.M., & Weekes-Shackelford, V.A. (2013). How do women fake orgasm? Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Miami, FL.
Memering, S.L., Shackelford, T.K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V.A. (2013). Are young women at special risk of rape-murder across victim-offender relationships? Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Pham, M. N., & Shackelford, T. K. (2013). Testing the infidelity-detection hypothesis of oral sex. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Pham, M. N., & Shackelford, T. K. (2013). The relationship between objective risk of sperm competition and men’s copulatory interest in their Partner is moderated by the amount of time their partner spends with other men. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Miami, FL.
Sela, Y., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., & Shackelford, T.K. (2013). Female copulatory orgasm and male partner attractiveness. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Miami, FL.
Sela, Y., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., & Shackelford, T.K. (2013). Female coital orgasm and male partner attractiveness. Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Sela, Y., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., & Shackelford, T.K. (2013). Female copulatory orgasm and male partner attractiveness. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Shackelford, T.K., McKibbin, W.F., Bates, V. M., LaMunyon, C.W., & Hafen, C.A. (2013). Sperm competition risk moderates the link between men’s relationship investment and interest in their partner’s copulatory orgasm. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Miami, FL.
Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Shackelford, T.K., Sela, Y., Ehrke, A., & Arvanitis, J. (2013). An exploration of exploitation: Children’s religious acquisition. Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Conference. Miami, FL.
Shackelford, T.K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V.A. (2012). Risk of death or life-threatening injury for women with children not sired by the abuse (Invited presentation). Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. San Diego, CA.
Shackelford, T.K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V.A. (2012). Risk of death or life-threatening injury for women with children not sired by the abuse (Invited presentation). Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Kaighobadi, F., Shackelford, T. K., Lopez, D. M., and De Paula Silva, C. F. (2011). Do women pretend orgasm to reduce the risk of partner sexual coercion? Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. Washington, DC.
Kaighobadi, F., de Paula Silva, C. F., & Shackelford, T. K. (2011). Do women pretend orgasm to reduce the risk of partner sexual coercion? Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
McKibbin, W. F., & Shackelford, T. K. (2011). Human psychological adaptation to sperm competition. In Vonk, J., & Shackelford, T. K. (Co-chairs). Division 6 Symposium: Comparative psychology and evolutionary psychology: Bridging divisions fosters crosstalk and collaborations. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, DC.
Vonk, J., & Shackelford, T. K. (2011). (Co-chairs). Division 6 Symposium: Comparative psychology and evolutionary psychology: Bridging divisions fosters crosstalk and collaborations. American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Washington, DC.
Bates, V. M, McKibbin, W. F., Shackelford, T. K., LaMunyon, C. W., & Hafen, C.A. (2010). Risk of sperm competition moderates men’s interest in partner orgasm. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Bates, V. M, McKibbin, W. F., Shackelford, T. K., LaMunyon, C. W., & Hafen, C.A. (2010). Risk of sperm competition moderates men’s interest in partner orgasm. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Kaighobadi, F., Shackelford, T. K., & Buss, D. M. (2010). Mate retention behaviors in the newlywed year and three years later. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Kaighobadi, F., Shackelford, T. K., & Buss, D. M. (2010). Spousal mate retention in the newlywed year and three years later. NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society Annual Conference. New Paltz, NY.
Kaighobadi, F., Shackelford, T. K., & Buss, D. M. (2010). Spousal mate retention in the newlywed year and three years later. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Oregon, Eugene.
Kaighobadi, F., Shackelford, T. K., & Weekes-Shackelford, V. A. (2010). Do women fake orgasm to retain a mate? 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Oregon, Eugene.
Miner, E.J., McKibbin, W. F., Popp, D. & Shackelford, T. K. (2010). Two guys, a girl, and an adult DVD: Testing sperm competition hypotheses using adult film sales. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Oregon, Eugene.
Miner, E.J., McKibbin, W. F., Popp, D. & Shackelford, T. K. (2010). Two guys, a girl, and an adult DVD: Testing sperm competition hypotheses using adult film sales. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
Bates, V. M., McKibbin, W. F., LaMunyon, C. W., Goetz, A. T., Starratt, V. G., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Does risk of sperm competition predict men’s interest in their partner’s copulatory orgasm? 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. California State University, Fullerton.
Bates, V. M., McKibbin, W. F., LaMunyon, C. W., Goetz, A. T., Starratt, V. G., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Risk of sperm competition predicts men’s interest in their partner’s copulatory orgasm. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Bates, V. M., McKibbin, W. F., LaMunyon, C. W., Goetz, A. T., Starratt, V. G., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Risk of sperm competition predicts men’s interest in their partner’s copulatory orgasm. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Easton, J. A., Goetz, A. T., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Anti-cuckoldry tactics of men with and without erectile dysfunction. 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. California State University, Fullerton.
Easton, J. A., Goetz, A. T., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Anti-cuckoldry tactics of men with and without erectile dysfunction. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Frederick, D. A., Swami, V. & 56 Members of the International Body Project (including Shackelford, T.K.). (2009). Preferences for muscularity in 26 countries across 10 world regions: Results from the International Body Project I. 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. California State University, Fullerton.
Kaighobadi, F., Shackelford, T. K., Popp, D., Moyer, R. M., Bates, V. M., & Liddle, J. R. (2009). Perceived risk of female infidelity moderates the relationship between men’s personality and partner-directed violence. 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. California State University, Fullerton.
Kaighobadi, F., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Female attractiveness mediates the relationship between in-pair copulation frequency and men’s mate retention behaviors. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Kaighobadi, F., Shackelford, T. K., Popp, D., & Moyer, R. (2009). Female infidelity risk moderates the relationship between men’s personality and partner-directed violence. Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Kaighobadi, F., Starratt, V. G., Shackelford, T. K., & Popp, D. (2009). Male mate retention mediates the relationship between female sexual infidelity and female-directed violence. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Liddle, J., Goetz, A. T., & Shackelford, T. K., (2009). Sexual coercion in intimate relationships: A comparative analysis of the effects of women’s infidelity and men’s dominance and control. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Liddle, J., Goetz, A. T., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Sexual coercion in intimate relationships: A comparative analysis of the effects of women’s infidelity and men’s dominance and control. 3rd Annual Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society Conference. State University of New York at Oswego.
Liddle, J., Goetz, A. T., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Sexual coercion in intimate relationships: A comparative analysis of the effects of women’s infidelity and men’s dominance and control. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
McKibbin, W.F., Shackelford, T.K., Miner, E. J., Bates, V. M., & Liddle, J. R. (2009). Individual differences in women’s rape avoidance behaviors. 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. California State University, Fullerton.
McKibbin, W. F., Bates, V. M., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Individual differences in women's performance of rape avoidance behaviors. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Miner, E.J., Shackelford, T.K., & Starratt, V.G. (2009). Women with children sired by a previous partner and risk of non-lethal and lethal intimate partner abuse. 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. California State University, Fullerton.
Miner, E. J., Starratt, V. G., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). It’s not all about her: Men’s relative mate value and mate retention. Evolutionary Psychology Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Miner, E. J., Starratt, V. G., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). It’s not all about her: Men’s relative mate value and mate retention. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Starratt, V. G., Popp, D., & Shackelford, T. K. (2009). Just how sure are you? A preliminary investigation of the accuracy of perceptions of partner infidelity. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Conference. Tampa, FL.
Kaighobadi, F., Starratt, V. G., Shackelford, T. K., & Popp, D. (2008). Male mate retention mediates the relationship between female sexual infidelity and female-directed violence. 2nd Annual Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society Conference. Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH.
Davies, A. P. C., & Shackelford, T. K. (2007). The art of persuasion: It depends on your sex. Presented in symposium: “Sexual conflict in humans” (A. T. Goetz & T. K. Shackelford, Co-Chairs), 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Goetz, A. T., & Shackelford, T. K. (2007). Symposium Co-Chairs, Sexual conflict in humans,” 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Goetz, A. T., Shackelford, T. K., Starratt, V. G., & McKibbin, W. F. (2007). Activating sperm competition psychology: An experimental study. Presented in symposium: “Sexual conflict in humans” (A. T. Goetz & T. K. Shackelford, Co-Chairs), 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
McKibbin, W. F., Shackelford, T. K., Goetz, A. T., & Starratt, V. G. (2007). Female adaptations for rape avoidance. Presented in symposium: “Sexual conflict in humans” (A. T. Goetz & T. K. Shackelford, Co-Chairs), 19th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Michalski, R. L., Ramadurai, V., Shackelford, T. K., & Salmon, C. A. (2007).
Mate preferences of younger and older adults. 19th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. College of William and Mary. Williamsburg,
Beasley, S. L., Mize, K. D., Periss, V. A., Paff, J., Goindoo,
A., & Shackelford,
T. K. (2006). Jealousy and mate guarding in swinging
and monogamous couples. 18th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Davies, A. P. C., & Shackelford, T.
K. (2006). Big pimpin’ and
payin’ my bills: Hip-hop and evolved psychological sex differences. 18th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Easton , J. A., Schipper, L. D., & Shackelford, T. K.
(2006). Rethinking morbid jealousy: Adaptation or clinical disorder? Presented
in symposium: “A New Dawn on the Horizon: Bringing Better Understanding
to Clinical Disorders” (J. A. Easton, Chair), 18th Annual Meeting
of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Pennsylvania,
Easton, J. A., Schipper, L. D., & Shackelford,
T. K. (2006). Morbid jealousy from an evolutionary psychological perspective. 2006
Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. New York, NY.
Goetz, A. T., & Shackelford, T. K. (2006). Sexual coercion is
predicted by men’s suspicions of women’s infidelity, and not by
power and dominance. 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution
Society. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
McKibbin, W. F., Goetz, A. T ., Shackelford,
T. K., Schipper,
L. D., Starratt, V.G., & Stewart-Williams, S. (2006) Why do men insult
their intimate partners? 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and
Evolution Society. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Mize, K. D., Beasley, S. L., Periss, V. A., Paff, J., Goindoo,
A., & Shackelford,
T. K. (2006). Personality characteristics and swinging behavior. 18th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Pennsylvania,
Mize, K. D., & Shackelford, T. K. (2006). Intimate
partner homicide methods in heterosexual and homosexual relationships. 18th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Periss, V. A., Mize, K. D., Beasley, S. L., Paff, J., Goindoo, A., & Shackelford,
T. K. (2006). Sperm competition and sexual behavior in swingers. 18th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Pennsylvania,
Schipper, L. D., Easton, J. A., & Shackelford, T. K. (2006).
Sex differences in rival characteristics and use of violence in the morbidly
jealous. Presented in symposium: “A New Dawn on the Horizon: Bringing
Better Understanding to Clinical Disorders” (J. A. Easton, Chair), 18th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Schützwohl, A., Fuchs, A., Shackelford, T. K., & McKibbin, W.
F. (2006). Love in the afternoon: Compliance to sexual offers from slightly
unattractive to exceptionally attractive potential partners in Germany, Italy,
and the USA. 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution
Society . University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Stone, E. A., Shackelford, T. K., & Buss, D. M.
(2006). Socioeconomic development and shifts in mate preferences. 18th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Pennsylvania,
Thompson, J., Shackelford,
T. K., Schützwohl, A., Platek, S. M. (2006). Neural correlates of
romantic jealousy: A functional near infrared spectroscopy
study (fNIRS) 18th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution
Society. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Beasley, S. L., Weekes-Shackelford, V. A.,& Shackelford,
T. K. (2005). Contexts and circumstances of filicide-suicide
in Chicago, 1870-1930. 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior
and Evolution Society. University of Texas at Austin.
Bering, J. M., McLeod, K., & Shackelford, T. K. (2005). On the
possibility of adapted responses to dead agents’ “minds.” 17th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Texas at Austin.
Davies, A. P. C., Shackelford, T. K., & Hass, G.
R. (2005). Human mate poaching: How frequent is it and what motivates
it? 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution
Society. University of Texas at Austin.
Easton , J. A., Stone, E. A., Weekes-Shackelford,
V. A., & Shackelford,
T. K. (2005). After having children: Sex-differentiated changes in mate
preferences. Presented in symposium: “Both
a Parent and a Mate” (V. A. Weekes-Shackelford, Chair), 17 th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Texas
at Austin.
Guta, F. E., Goetz, A. T., Easton, J. A., &Shackelford,
T. K. (2005). Fending off competition and preventing infidelity: A proposed
experimental study on human mate guarding. 17th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Texas at Austin.
Goetz, A. T. , & Shackelford, T. K. (2005). Symposium
Co-Chairs, “Sperm
competition in humans,” 17 th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior
and Evolution Society . University of
Texas at Austin.
Goetz, A. T. , & Shackelford, T. K. (2005). Forced
in-pair copulation as a sperm competition tactic in humans. Presented
in symposium: “Sperm competition in humans” (A.
T. Goetz & T. K. Shackelford, Co-Chairs), 17 th Annual Meeting
of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Texas at Austin.
LaMunyon, C. W., Shackelford, T. K., Goetz, A. T., Quintus, B. J., & Weekes-Shackelford,
V. A. (2005). Mate preferences for a short-term sexual relationship.
Presented in symposium: “Sperm
competition in humans” (A. T. Goetz & T. K. Shackelford, Co-Chairs), 17
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Texas at Austin.
Mize, K. D., & Shackelford, T. K. (2005). Intimate
partner homicide methods in heterosexual and homosexual relationships. 17
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Texas at Austin.
Murphy, S. M, Shackelford, T. K., Vallacher, R. R., Bjorklund,
D. F. & Yunger, J. L. (2005). Relationship experience as a predictor
of jealousy. 17 th Annual Meeting of the Human
Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Texas at Austin.
Shackelford, T. K., Goetz, A. T., Guta, F. E., & Schmitt, D. P.(2005).
Mate guarding and frequent copulation in humans: Complementary anti-cuckoldry
tactics. Presented in symposium: “Sperm
competition in humans” (A. T. Goetz & T. K. Shackelford, Co-Chairs), 17
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Texas at Austin.
Stone, E. A., Shackelford, T. K., & Goetz, A.
T. (2005).Sex
differences and similarities in preferred mating arrangements. 2005 American
Psychological Society Annual Convention.
Los Angeles.
Stone, E. A., Weekes-Shackelford, V. A., Easton,
J. A., & Shackelford,
T. K. (2005). How having a child changes female mating psychology. Presented
in symposium: “Both a Parent and
a Mate” (V. A. Weekes-Shackelford, Chair), 17 th Annual Meeting of
the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Texas at Austin.
Thompson, J. W. , Shackelford, T. K., & Platek, S. M. (2005).
Sexual jealousy and its impact on cognitive tasks. 17 th Annual Meeting
of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society . University
of Texas at Austin.
Weekes-Shackelford, V. A.,Shackelford, T. K., Stone,
E. A., & Easton,
J. E. (2005). Luring a mate: An exploitation of mate preferences. Presented
in symposium: “Both a Parent
and a Mate” (V. A. Weekes-Shackelford, Chair), 17 th Annual Meeting
of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Texas at Austin.
Johnson, A., Barnacz, A. , Shackelford, T. K., Fisher,
M., & Keenan,
J. P. (2004). The role of self-awareness in deception. 16 th Annual Meeting
of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society.
Free University of Berlin, Germany.
Beasley, S., Weekes-Shackelford, V. A., Fredericks,
I., & Shackelford,
T. K. (2003). Filicide-suicide by stepparents and genetic parents. 15 th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Goetz, A. T., Shackelford, T. K., Weekes-Shackelford,
V. A., Euler, H. A., Hoier, S., & Schmitt, D. P. (2003). Mate retention,
semen displacement, and human sperm competition: Tactics to prevent and
correct female infidelity. Paper presented in symposium, “Paternal
certainty and anti-cuckoldry tactics” ( Steven Platek & Todd K. Shackelford,
Co-Chairs), 15 th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Michalski, R. L., Shackelford, T. K., & Salmon,
C. A. (2003). Upset in response to a child’s partner’s infidelities. 15
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society .
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Shackelford, T. K., & Platek, S. (2003). Symposium Co-Chairs, “Paternal
certainty and anti-cuckoldry tactics”, 15 th Annual Meeting of the
Human Behavior and Evolution Society . University
of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Shackelford, T. K., Goetz, A. T., Buss, D. M., Euler, H. A., & Hoier,
S. (2003). When we hurt the ones we love: Predicting violence against
women from men’s mate retention tactics”.
Paper presented in symposium, “Paternal certainty and anti-cuckoldry
tactics” ( Steven Platek & Todd
K. Shackelford, Co-Chairs), 15 th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and
Evolution Society. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.
Weekes-Shackelford, V. A.,&Shackelford, T. K. (2003). Motivational
differences for filicide by stepparents and genetic parents. 15 th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE.
Michalski, R. L. , Shackelford, T. K., & DeKay, W.
T. (2002). Grandparental investment as a function of relational uncertainty
and similarity. 14 th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior
and Evolution Society. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Michalski, R. L. & Shackelford, T. K. (2002). An
attempted replication of the relationships between birth order and personality. 14
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Voracek, M., Fisher, M. L., & Shackelford, T. K., (2002). Multi-sample
evidence for a male-female difference in subjectively estimated human
nonpaternity rate. 16th Biennial Conference
of the International Society for Human Ethology. Montreal, Canada.
Shackelford, T. K. (2002). Are young women the special targets of rape-murder?
Presented as part of a symposium on “The Dark Side of Human Mating,” organized
by J. D. Duntley & D.
M. Buss. 14 th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Weekes-Shackelford, V. A., & Shackelford, T. K. (2002).
Methods of murder by stepmothers and genetic mothers. 14 th Annual Meeting
of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society .
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Menotti, M. C. , & Shackelford, T. K. (2001). Sex ratio and divorce. 13
th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society . Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Michalski, R. L. , Shackelford, T. K., & DeKay, W.
T. (2001). Grandparental investment and perceived psychological similarity:
Tests of an evolutionary perspective. 13 th
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society. Toronto, Ontario,
Shackelford, T. K. (2001). Reproductive age women are over-represented among
the perpetrators of husband-killings. 13 th Annual Convention of the American
Psychological Society.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Ward, D. R. , LeBlanc, G. J., Weeks-Shackelford,
V. A., Shackelford, T. K., & Drass, E. (2001). Affective reactions
to infidelity. 13 th Annual Convention of the American Psychological
Society. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Weekes-Shackelford, V. A., Shackelford, T. K., & Buss, D. M. (2001).
Wife-killings committed in the context of a “lovers triangle.” 13
th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society. Toronto, Ontario,
Shackelford, T. K. (2001). Reproductive age women are over-represented among
the perpetrators of husband-killings. 10 th Annual Meeting of the Homicide
Research Working Group.
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.
Weekes-Shackelford, V. A., Shackelford, T. K., & Buss, D.
M. (2001). Wife-killings committed in the context of a “lovers triangle.” 10
th Annual Meeting of the Homicide Research Working Group. University of
Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.
LeBlanc, G. J. , Shackelford, T. K., & Weekes,
V. A. (2000).
Anticipating, preventing, and correcting female infidelity: Three adaptive
problems of sperm competition. 12 th Annual
Convention of the American Psychological Society. Miami, Florida.
Ward, D. R. , LeBlanc, G. J., Shackelford, T.
K., & Drass,
E. (2000). The emotional aftermath of a partner’s infidelity. 12
th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society.
Miami, Florida.
Weekes, V. A. , Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Bleske,
A. L., Euler, H. A., & Hoier, S. (2000). Female coital orgasm
and male attractiveness. 12 th Annual Convention of the American
Psychological Society. Miami, Florida.
Michalski, R. L. , & Shackelford, T. K. (2000). Does
birth order covary with sexual strategy? 12 th Annual Convention
of the American Psychological Society . Miami, Florida.
Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Weekes, V. A., Bleske, A. L., Euler,
H. A., & Hoier, S. (2000). Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
but only for men: The psychological architecture of human sperm competition. 12
th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society. Miami, Florida.
Shackelford, T. K. (2000). Reproductive age women are over-represented among
perpetrators of husband-killings. 12 th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior
and Evolution Society .
Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Weekes-Shackelford, V. A., Shackelford, T.K., & Buss, D. M. (2000). Wife-killings
committed in the context of a “lovers triangle.” 12 th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Amherst College, Amherst,
Ward, D. R., LeBlanc, G. J. , & Shackelford, T. K.
(2000). Anticipating, preventing, and correcting female infidelity: Three
adaptive problems of sperm competition. 12 th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Amherst College,
Amherst, Massachusetts.
LeBlanc, G. J. , Buss, D. M., & Shackelford, T. K. (2000). Number
of children desired and preferred spousal age difference: Context-specific
mate preference patterns across 37 cultures. 12
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Amherst
College, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Michalski, R. L. , & Shackelford, T. K. (2000). Adult
attachment, kinship, and mateships among older adults. 12 th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society . Amherst
College, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Weekes, V. A., Bleske, A. L., Euler,
H. A., Hoier, S., & Benkert, D. (1999). Absence makes the heart
grow fonder, but only for men: The psychological architecture of human sperm
competition. 11 th Annual Convention of the
American Psychological Society. Denver, Colorado.
LeBlanc, G. J., Weekes, V. A. , & Shackelford, T.
K. (1999). Anticipating, preventing, and correcting sperm competition.
Paper presented as part of a symposium, “The Psychology
of Human Sperm Competition” (Todd K. Shackelford, Chair), 11
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Weekes, V. A. , Shackelford, T. K., & LeBlanc,
G. J. (1999).
Human female coital orgasm is predicted by her partner's physical attractiveness.
Paper presented as part of a symposium, “The
Psychology of Human Sperm Competition” ( Todd K. Shackelford, Chair), 11
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Weekes, V. A., Bleske, A. L., Euler,
H. A., & Hoier, S. (1999). Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
but only for men: The psychological architecture of human sperm competition.
Paper presented as part of a symposium, "The
Psychology of Human Sperm Competition" ( Todd K. Shackelford, Chair), 11
th Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
DeKay, W. T., Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Drass, E., Weekes, V.
A., & Buss, D. M. (1999). Sexual jealousy in later life: An evolutionary
psychological perspective. 11 th Annual
Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Michalski, R. L. , & Shackelford, T. K. (1999). Does
birth order covary with sexual strategy? 11 th Annual Meeting of the
Human Behavior and Evolution Society . University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Ward, D. R. , Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., & Drass,
E. (1999). The emotional aftermath of a partner's infidelity. 11 th
Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society.
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Shackelford, T. K. (1999). Symposium Organizer and Chair, "The Psychology
of Human Sperm Competition," 11 th Annual Meeting of the
Human Behavior and Evolution Society . University
of Utah, Salt Lake City Utah.
DeKay, W. T., Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Weekes, V. A., Drass,
E., & Buss, D. M. (1999). Intergenerational jealousy: Parental reactions
to the imagined infidelities of children-in-law. 11 th Annual Meeting
of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Friedman, B. X., & Shackelford, T. K. (1999). Re-allocation
of mating effort as a result of pregnancy. 11 th Annual Meeting of
the Human Behavior and Evolution Society . University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Weekes, V. A., Bleske, A. L., Euler,
H. A., Hoier, S., & Benkert, D. (1999). Absence makes the heart
grow fonder, but only for men: The psychological architecture of human sperm
competition. 107 th Annual Convention of the
American Psychological Association. Boston, Massachusetts.
Shackelford, T. K., Buss, D. M., & Peters, J. (1999). Wife-killing: Risk
to women as a function of age. 8 th Annual Meeting of the Homicide
Research Working Group . Federal Bureau of
Investigation, Quantico, Virginia.
Shackelford, T. K., LeBlanc, G. J., Bleske, A. L., Grable, R., Nunez,
D., & Weekes, V. A. (1998). The psychological architecture of sperm
competition in humans. 10 th Annual
Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference. University of California
at Davis, Davis, California.
Bleske, A. L., & Shackelford, T. K. (1998). Rivalry
in same-sex friendships. 10 th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution
Society Conference . University of California at Davis,
Davis, California.
Shackelford, T. K. (1998). Emotional reactions to intrasexual competitors
in Korea and America. Presented as part of a symposium, “Friendship,
Kinship, Mateship: Evolutionary Psychological Perspectives on Human Relationships,” 106
th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco,
Shackelford, T. K., Choe, J. C., & Buss, D. M. (1997). Cross-cultural
sex differences in upset elicited as a function of rival characteristics.
Presented as part of a symposium, "The Psychology
of Human Mating," 9 th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society
Conference. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Buss, D. M., & Shackelford, T. K. (1996). From vigilance to violence:
Mate retention tactics in married couples. 8 th Annual Human Behavior
and Evolution Society Conference . Northwestern
University, Evanston, Illinois.
DeKay, W. T., & Shackelford, T. K. (1996). Computational evolutionary
psychology. 3 rd Annual University of Michigan Department of Psychology
Graduate Student Research Conference .
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Shackelford, T. K. (1995). Cues to a long-term partner’s infidelity. 7
th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference . University
of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California.
Shackelford, T. K. (1995). Cues to infidelity. Presented as part of a symposium, “Sex
and Mating: Perspectives from Evolutionary Psychology,” 103rd Annual
Convention of the American Psychological Association. New York, NY.
Shackelford, T. K. (1994). The evolutionary psychology of relationship betrayal. 6
th Annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference . University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.